WELCOME! We are a community of people, together seeking to follow God. We discover God in the person Jesus Christ and are encouraged
We continue to worship together.
For details of regular worship Worship Details or go to “About” and “Worship Times”.
To view or listen to our recent act of worship Morning Worshipor go to Church Life” and “Sunday Morning worship reflections”.

We are community of people, together seeking to follow God. We discover God in the person Jesus Christ and are encouraged and strengthened on our journeys by Gods Spirit.
Our morning act of worship is on Sunday at 10:30 am. The Tolworth congregation, adults and children and Shekinah Church a Tamil Community church all begin our worship as one community together.
The Tolworth United Reformed adult congregation continue with their worship in the sanctuary where Communion is celebrated on the second Sunday of each month.
There is a Children’s Church and a crèche area and facilities available where children continue in their journey of faith. In Children’s Church they enjoy fun craft activities and stories. There is always something new to learn.
The Shekinah Church, meet together to continue their worship in Tamil.
There is an evening service on the third Sunday at 6.30pm a more meditative style we call Evergreen worship.
On the third Thursday of each month at 3.30pm a Messy Church and Friends on Faith Adventures meet for a worship celebration which include
scripture story, prayer and music and creative fun and activities. This is an all age worship celebration.
Visitors are most welcome to worship with us at all times.
Fresh Expressions
3rd Sunday of each month 6.30pm
New styles of church and worship
We meet sometimes outside…go for a walk…or…
We focus on spiritualty and sharing faith..
We can be quiet – or talk – meditate and chant…
New and enduring ways,
Contemporary and some tradition, organic and developing…but always fresh
Messy Church
3rd Thursday of each month from 3.30pm for 4pm
New styles of church and worship
We meet for crafts and activities
We focus on stories and faith
We can be quiet – or talk – or play!
New and enduring ways,
Contemporary worship and a meal…but always fresh, and the food.
Services continue to be online and on the telephone
To worship with us each week: Telephone: 03306060403 (await instruction)
Access code (enter) 1529640# (DON’T FORGET #)
OR access online https://join.freeconferencecall.com/rjones853
We are live online from 10.15am each Sunday
God bless you and we look forward to worshipping together from wherever you are……